The Institute taught me to be devoted; motivated, and to help people. Life is a challenge and the ability to meet this with Duty, Honor and Achievement is more than a motto but is built in my heart. NMMI is more than my Alma Mater which is grounded in the midst of faith, love and hope for the rest of my life.- Chaplain DP Mason



NMMI was a major turning point in my life.  My siblings were incorigible and it allowed me to get away from that and make something of myself.  For 6 years it set the course for the rest of my life.  I can’t repay what I got from NMMI.- Kirk Felmar


The Institute taught me to motivate myself and others.  To realize others at nmmi were always there to help me.  The living leadership lab that is the Corps of Cadets allowed me to evolve  in my life.- Masaki Ferrarsis


I entered NMMI a scared 14 year old boy and left four years later a strong, fiercely independent young man ready to tackle the world.  This institution gave me confidence, core leadership skills to succeed in the world and a keen ability to adapt to most any situation put in front of me.  It taught me the importance of personal integrity and the power of taking responsibility.  Lastly, it has given me incredibly  strong friendships over the years that I never would have imagined.- Andy Iverson


NMMI taught me to face adversity with a positive outlook.  To be able to acknowledge other’s values and learn from them.  To appreciate the worth of being a part of something great.- Francisco Elias


Had I not attended NMMI I would definitely not have been so fortunate in life. It is a primary reason why I am where I am today, 32 years later! Lots of lessons learned and applied; Lots of wonderful friendships made; Lots of great memories!- Mike Neely


It’s the core of who you are. Morals and values instilled at a time in your life when you are so moldable last a lifetime. We were fortunate enough to have to a great model to build our lives on. We learned independence and team work, leading and following, our own strengths and weaknesses and went out into the world with the knowledge that we could do it! And if we struggled we had friends (family really) to fall back on.- Beth Lee


It is the foundation on which my entire life was built.- William Himes


A foundation built solidly, to go out and face life and adulthood and accomplish goals that you have set for yourself. And as you continue on your life’s path, being able to reflect on that foundation forged at NMMI to help guide you in your decisions and better able to correct your course. Those reflections are all things NMMI, Honor code, time management, leadership, friendship, attention to detail, tradition, achievement, and duty as a citizen of our country and world.- Darrell Hovland


NMMI to me means being: honorable in all things, grateful for the gift of lifetime friends and confidence to lead when called upon.- Catherine Pena


NMMI to me means being part of a family.Also means tradition which should be preserved. Also an experience that stays with you for a life time.- Richard White


A wonderful education.   Training on how to get out of bed in the morning and take on the day.  Eating too fast.  High standards.  Lifelong friends.- Randall Merriott


Structure. Discipline. Challenge.  A sense of belonging to a group with shared experiences. People I have a high level of respect for, including cadets, staff, and instructors. Learning things I could not learn at other schools.- Stephen Ray Sloan


In response to the request for a testimonial on my NMMI experience, I have said many times that NMMI offers a first-class education in a military environment. Few High Schools benefit from highly-educated and accomplished instructors in small class sizes, let alone the ability to simultaneously earn college credits. Similarly, the highly challenging level of instruction at the Junior College level and superior instructors at NMMI fully prepared me for college and even law school. The small class size in our Junior College division fosters an environment where you are valued and have direct contact with the instructor (not a Teacher’s Aid). The Corps offers every Cadet the opportunity to observe and exercise leadership in a “leadership laboratory” exposing every Cadet to a multitude of challenging situations and Cadets from literally all over the world — and experience and background that have paid dividends long after my graduation. I owe so many successful decisions in life to lessons learned, observed, and experienced while a Cadet. Whatever a Cadet’s interest — sports, drill team, ROTC, music, writing — you can expect to be challenged and sharpen your skills beyond your expectations, while at the same time reinforcing and building your honor, integrity, fair dealing, and character, becoming someone others will respect and look to for sound judgment in challenging times. – Andras M. Marton

NMMI has aided and guided me in ways that i never imagined would be possible. Prior to NMMI, I would have been happy living a simpler life and may not have even known that achieving and striving to be better then I was “yesterday” would benefit me later in life.
NMMI was, without doubt, the start of the person I grew into. Without NMMI, I probably wouldn’t have known the honor of serving my country for 21 years in the military, deploying 5 times into combat, and making the best friends a person could have. NMMI provided the discipline, motivation, and self-confidence to approach every challenge, adapt to every situation, and to believe that I have what it takes to overcome.
This view served me well in the military, but also continues to serve me as a civilian working at a national nuclear laboratory. I will forever remember the people I met at NMMI, and specifically my best friend-who unfortunately never grew into an old man like me. For I know in my heart no matter my travels or experiences that I have yet to encounter, NMMI has provided me the tools and wisdom to be successful.   – Christian David Lopez