New Mexico Military Institute
Hall of Fame
Harris E. Kerr 1969 HS- 1971 JC
The George Ward Memorial Award was created by New Mexico Military Institute Alumni to recognize an outstanding alumnus each year. The memorial is in honor of George E. Ward, a graduate of the 1954 Senior College class. Ward was an outstanding cadet and student, a prominent Roswell resident and highly respected in the Law profession. He died 7 April 1968. The first Ward memorial was awarded in 1968. 47 Awards have been presented thus far, this year’s recipient is the 48th.
The Memorial Award is given to–
“Alumni whose actions and deeds have fostered the goals and ideals of New Mexico Military Institute. Many alumni on an annual basis continually foster the goals and ideals of New Mexico Military Institute. This dedication and devotion to their alma mater is what is expected of all alumni. However, candidates for this award must have gone beyond that normally expected of a loyal alumnus.” __This year’s recipient has not only met these stringent requirements but has exceeded them since his graduation from the Junior College in 1971. He became a Life Member of the Alumni the year he graduated and has been a sustaining member every year since.
“Nominees must be active in Alumni Activities and goals.” __This year’s awardee has been a member of the New Mexico Military Institute Alumni Board of Directors, the New Mexico Military Institute Foundation and is a Life Member of the Crossed Saber’s Society. He is a Trail Rider and has been a Trail Ride Sponsor.
“This award memorializes an individual who may not necessarily have contributed large sums of money, but nonetheless manifested his devotion and dedication to the goals and ideals of New Mexico Military Institute in other forms of endeavor as well. It is a fitting memorial to select individuals who seek to emulate George Ward.” __This year’s awardee epitomizes the criteria stated for The George Ward Hall of Fame recognition. He graduated from both the High School and Junior College following in his Great Grandfather’s, his Father’s and his Uncle’s path as they were Cadets before him. He was the driving force behind creating the New Mexico Military Institute Columbarium and is the recipient of the New Mexico Military Institute Regent Medal.
It is with great pride that the New Mexico Military Institute Hall of Fame announces this year’s George Ward Memorial Awardee Mr. Harris Eastham Kerr, 1971 JC from Midland Texas.
Awarded this 19th day of October in the year 2018